So if you are like me and like to plan ahead, next year will be a SDRAWKCAB BACKWARDS year. As much as possible all the rides will be run in reverse.A couple of things to consider.
- For the two day events, I actually plan (yes I do) to make the first day harder and the second day easier, as I know people have to travel home. Therefore in Reverse, you may well have less time to get home, you will need to factor this in and I urge you not to drive home when tired and fatigued.
- The two three-day holiday weekend Brevets will swap (thanks to Maple Bacon Bob for the idea) as this is the only way to make the reverse happen. So The Navigator will be over Queens Birthday and High Country Brevet will in over Labour Weekend. People considering doing the Navigator next year should consider factoring in four days to complete it as there will be less daylight available.