Wandering Star
Albert Town – Taster & Brevet
A MicroAdventure – a dirty weekender, an overnighter, another opportunity to use your kit instead of letting it get dusty
This ride is aimed at introducing people to the “type2 fun” of self-supported multi-day navigation that are Brevets.
It’s a no-frills “you are on your own” self-supported type affair.
There are two official rides – the Brevet and the Taster, but remember you can do as much as you want.
Yes really.
We kick off at 8am.
We don’t have minimum numbers, and we don’t cancel if it it’s raining and/or cold, so enter early!
You must register. Click on this link http://register.trackme.bike
Everyone must register but you can share one tracker between up to three team members, however you must ride together
SPOTs (or InReachs) and tracking are compulsory – for your safety – and for friends, family and the flahute to stalk you!
There is a special deal through TrackMe for these rides if you need to hire a tracker, or you can bring your own.
An electronic map in a number of formats, cue sheets and a ride guide will be emailed out to you on receipt of your registration, no greater than 30 days prior to the event.
This will help the planners relax and if you register early, to get great rates on accommodation.
You will need to prepare everything else – your legs, your bike, your kit, food, maps, backup, transport, you name it.
It is highly recommended that you have a physical map as a backup. Your device will run out of batteries at some point.
Registration closes the Tuesday evening before the ride.
IF you withdraw after the Wednesday or don’t turn up on the day, there will be no refunds. There is some room for movement at our discretion.
The Rules
Stolen largely from the Kiwi Brevet – www.kiwibrevet.blogspot.co.nz.
The main thing is to complete the course under your own steam, without a support crew or ANY outside assistance (other than what is commercially available to every participant).
Text-ins (via the SPOT/inReach) are to be made from designated locations along the route until you either finish or abandon the brevet.
1. Do it all yourself, under your own steam.
2. Riders must carry all their own gear.
3. You must carry a SPOT (or InReach) and agree to cover the cost of rescue in the event they need to be evacuated.
4. Riders must finish by 9pm on the last day.
5. When on public roads, follow the NZ Road Code.
6. Riders must observe all rules laid down by land managers along the route.
The Course
The Taster
Distance > 84.0km
Elevation > +786m
Categorised Climb/s > (2)
Surfaces (approx.):
Paved – 20%
Unpaved – 80%
The Brevet
Distance > 229.6km
Elevation > +2,501m
Categorised Climb/s > (9)
Surfaces (approx.):
Paved – 11%
Unpaved – 89%
Difficulty Rating
Ok so this is a two star ♦♦ (difficulty out of three) weekend brevet ride.
It is possible to ride in a day (if you have the mettle) or you can chill and take two or do the Taster or do whatever you want!
- moderate navigation skills required (some Flahute aka “tricky” loops in there)
- moderate resupply options
- magical terrain and views
- The weather and conditions can change very quickly, especially rivers.
- Rivers can rise very rapidly, do NOT attempt to cross any river that is/or forecast to be swift, high or in flood, wait or re-route
- nice mix of gravel, seal and a lots of singletrack
- It will be cold and/or wet
So plan well, be prepared for anything and loads of Type-2 fun, but hey you’re in the driver’s seat….
Enjoy it, it is an adventure more than anything else.
That’s probably enough for now!
Feel free to post up any questions that you may have.
Shailer & Candice